Published on Thrive Global: Finding My Way Back To Wholeness

Taking cues from my personal life and bringing it into my writing is normally no problem. I aim for transparency and value openness. Talking about grief and loss, however, is a little stickier. In sharing my experience, I hope to empower others to talk about the things that feel sticky. After all, the things that no one wants to talk about are often the things we should be talking about most! 

Click on the photo below, or here, for my experience. If there's something you've been waiting to talk about, contact me and let's break the silence together!

Published on Thrive Global: One Thing You Need to Deepen Your Self-Care Practice

Self-care is so, so important to me and I love helping other people come to identify their own self-care formula and recipe. I wrote this piece after having this realization that we care for other people and even other things in really profound ways. We can internalize that work to help ourselves and our own practice. 

I'd love for you to read on to see what the one thing is that I recommend you have to deepen your self-care practice. Click here or the photo below. 

Not Letting Fear Decide

A large part of what I believe to be my purpose in life is to live with authenticity. To be genuine and real, both for myself and for the people I work with. I find that too often we know our true desires and want to pursue them, but something gets in the way. Whether its fear of judgement, an inability to believe in ourselves, or a fear of change, this thing that holds us back from living our best possible life is real!

Following our incredible farm/European adventure, I am back in NYC and working on growing my practice and developing the life I desire. A large part of me has wanted to share more, put myself out there in ways that feel scary and vulnerable. I made a list of all the things that could happen in 2017 that would be both scary and amazing. I could have easily sat back and let the list become a list of dreams and hopes than an actual plan for my year.

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We're Featured on My Italy

For the past 3 months many of you have been following along as we ventured to Italy. This travel blog has served to update friends and family on our adventures and to be a bit of a distraction from being professional on my Mindful Living blog. Until today! 

Today, I'm excited to be sharing with more people who share our love of Italy and have an interest in farming thanks to My Italy! I reached out to Maria from My Italy months ago to see about guest blogging. Today she shared our story on her page and blog. Here's a clip:

"Sometimes when I am dirty, smelly, and beyond sore I wonder why I am doing this. I had a cushy, well paid office job with air conditioning and now I am working as a farmer for free?!

But then I look around at the hills, the greenery and everything we have worked so hard to plant and maintain and I have no regrets. I feel pride in the creation of the garden, largely planted and maintained by my husband and I. I feel fulfilled in growing and eating the food that I have watched develop after planting it only weeks before."

This month I'm sharing my "Lessons from the Farm" blog series here! Thanks for keeping up with our travels, new readers and old. I look forward to sharing more as we travel throughout Europe!